Eternal Full Blood Test Profile
(Laboratory Test)
Laboratory Test is a procedure, usually conducted in a laboratory, that is intended to detect, identify, or quantify one or more significant substances, evaluate organ functions or establish the nature of a condition or disease. Laboratory tests range from quite simple to extremely sophisticated. In modern medical practice they are commonly used to help establish or confirm a diagnosis and often aid in the management of disease.
The parameters that we tested in our laboratory test include :
- Albumin and Creatinine Ratio (ACR) in urine
- High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP)
- Cancer Markers
- Alpha-feto protein
- CA 15.3
- CA 19.9
- CA 125
- Quantitative HCG
- G6PD
- Homocysteine
- Serum Insulin
- HbA1c
- Special Lipids -- Lipoprotein
- Urine FEME Test
- Insulin-Like Growth Factor – IGF-1
- General Screen Haematology
- Blood Glucose Test
- Blood Lipids Tests
- Blood Hormone Tests
- Serum Oestradiol
- Progesterone
- Thyroid Function Assays – FT4, TSH, FT3
- Testosterone
- DHEA-Sulphate
- Cortisol
- Steroid and Pituitary Free Testosterone
- Ferritin
- Renal Function Test
- Hepatitis B Screening
- Vitamin B12 & D
- Thyroid auto-antibodies
- Anti-thyroid peroxidase
- Thyroglobulin antibody
- Epstein Barr Virus IgM
- Epstein Barr Virus IgG