As a general rule if you are cooking meat out on the grill, whether it’s grass fed or grain fed beef, or whatever  it is… if you’re burning it then you’re producing those HCAs, heterocyclic amines. 

So if you’re char grilling it, those blackened areas tasted great. Those are carcinogens. We want to stay away  from that. If you’re smoking it the smoke that’s coming up, that’s polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. We want  to stay away from that too. 

The preferred way of cooking meat is just on a good stainless steel pan, lots of virgin coconut oil. Load up  generously on the coconut oil in there and it will protect the meat. We want a lot of these good fats and then  cook the meat in that, and cook it till it just lightly browned and that’s good. 

Now if you are going to do an outside grill, you’re going to do charcoal, you would certainly want to make  sure you marinate it with extra virgin olive oil, fresh squeezed lemon and it will provide an antioxidant defense  to help protect the meat from producing a lot of free radicals when you cook it. Just don’t let it smoke, don’t let  it burn. Try to pull it off there a little quicker and you’re going to do a lot better with that.  

You can actually eat a fried food that is healthy for you which is odd because we’re under the impression that  all fried foods are bad and the reason is really a combination of things. Typically when you go and you get  some sort of fried food − French fries, fried chicken − it’s going to be fried in a high omega-6 vegetable oil.  Basically it’s going to create a trans fat. Trans fatty acids which are extremely toxic and destructive in the  body because they take these polyunsaturated fats and they cook them at a high temperature. And these poly  unsaturated fats can’t handle that. So they’re taking things like corn oil and soybean oil which are typically  genetically modified as well. So you’ve got problems there. 

Usually using the wrong type of batter and they’ve got a lot of gluten in there and genetically modified  ingredients in whatever their batter is that they’re using with the chicken and the French fries. And of course, typically a chicken’s commercially raised and—so you got a whole bunch of problems right from the start. 

Some organic flour on the chicken or whatever, dip it in the coconut oil and it tastes great. Pasture raised  chicken that was raised properly, it’s going to, again, concentrate omega-3 fats. It’s going to have a lot more  antioxidants in all of its cells, in all of its tissue. Now you use something like coconut flour, which is gluten free, low carb, good fibers, and you put that in there and then you deep fry it in coconut oil. You’re going to  have a lot less problems with that. It’s going to be a lot better for the body. So that’s the way to do it.